********************************************************** StockPilot, development history ********************************************************** Autor: Rainer Drath, EMAIL: StockPilot@R-Drath.de WWW: http://www.R-Drath.de ********************************************************** ********************************************************** StockPilot99 V.3.03 ********************************************************** - Reducing the start time of StockPilot99 ********************************************************** StockPilot99 V.3.02 ********************************************************** - Now with free rate update via Hotsync (via Internet connection) - now you can enter gratis shares (set the buy price to zero) - now it shows changes in % ********************************************************** StockPilot99 V2.6d ********************************************************** - Password form now hides the entered password - improved memory handling - fix: error while switching between the detail registers - fix: error while recognizing registration codes ********************************************************** StockPilot99 V2.6c ********************************************************** - while entering a new share, now you can select the already existing names from a list - fix: plugin ChartPilotSP now works much faster - fix: error in quote transfer while switching between the tabs ********************************************************** StockPilot99 V2.6b ********************************************************** - fix: arrows disturb the full view to the values - fix: limited decimal places ********************************************************** StockPilot99 V2.6a ********************************************************** bug fixes ********************************************************** StockPilot99 V2.6 ********************************************************** - shows the change of the current rate in comparison to the yesterdays rate - it graphically shows, if the rate grows or falls - it graphically shows, if the rates reach upper or lower borders - enhanced detail form for easier input of WKN and symbols - fee in % now can be given for every category - "sort after value" now sorts after the real value of the position, no more after the current rate ********************************************************** StockPilot99 V2.5a ********************************************************** - Bugfix: calculation error with fraction parts ********************************************************** StockPilot99 V2.5 ********************************************************** - improved user interface for more clearness - new budget function - with overview about your liquidity per category - sort of the stocks now availabe according to the current rate: "watch only" stocks are sorted to the end of the list - scrolling with scroll buttons available now - buy fee can be given in % - export to memopad now includes the current rate of active securities - Bugfix: leading spaces for WKN ********************************************************** StockPilot99 V2.4 ********************************************************** - comfortable start of the separate Internet-Online-Conduit "StockManagerSP" - calculation of the average "Profit per annum", summerized for every category - corrected calculation algorithm for the profit/% of inactive securities - bugfixes ********************************************************** StockPilot99 V2.3 ********************************************************** - improved security-ID and symbol handling in order to use the Internet Online Conduit for StockPilot99 "StockManagerSP" ********************************************************** StockPilot99 V2.2 ********************************************************** - Notes for every entry of the database, smoothly integrated into the StockPilot user interface. - representation of buyprice and current rate in one table for direct comparision available - revised main display - saving of all entries, if StockPilot is finished while the detail form ist open - french language version available - Bugfixes - new Icon, new small icon ********************************************************** StockPilot99 V2.1a ********************************************************** - small icon for the palm list view - Bugfixes ********************************************************** StockPilot99 V2.1 ********************************************************** - Stock-Split function - password protection now independend from the preference "hide private records" - the current value of a position now excludes the dividends ********************************************************** StockPilot99 V2a ********************************************************** - Bugfixes - Shortcuts for sorting functions - spanish version ********************************************************** StockPilot99 V2 ********************************************************** - now *categories* are available for handling several portfolios or currencies - currency will be saved for every category - last list view will be saved now - optional password protection, using the same password as to Lock/Unlock the palm device - optional graphical marking of Euro securities - UNDO-sell function, to put sold securities back into the list of active securities - registration now available in the StockPilot application - "New"-Button for the list of sold securities - this makes it easier to enter old shares - code optimization - the file format has not changed: in case of problem, any older StockPilot version can be used to work ********************************************************** Version 1.4.2 - automatic rate filling revised, problems occure after manual EURO conversion (thanks to Olaf Breil) ********************************************************** Version 1.4.1 - Spanish version available (thanks to Javier Martinez for massive help) - handling of security fragments is now available (thanks to Bernd Kühn) - Bugfix: Export to MemoPad revised (Thanks to Fred Woitineck) - Bugfix: Single Conversion of inactive securities converts no dividends - Bugfix: Check comma representation before starting (Thanks to Alex) - Bugfix: Conversion Factor=1.0 for "other" countries corrected (thanks to Javier Martinez) - Bugfix: EURO-Conversion for France corrected (thanks to Yves de Montcheuil) - Bugfix: automatic rate filling revised ********************************************************** Version 1.4 (01/03/1999) - full support of EURO-conversion for all 11 member states of the EU: support of the conversion of single positions as well as of the whole actual list - handling of security symbols - new english help file - enhanced alphabetical sorting: in case of same name, sorting after the date - displays the software version number in PalmIII devices - many detail improvements - Bugfix: fixing a representation error of numbers like "-24,-8" ********************************************************** Version 1.3.2 (12/13/1998) - full support of automatic data backup per HotSync - Bugfix: fixing of a representation error of values between 0 and -1 ********************************************************** Version 1.3.1 - fading out the new button in the list view for sold securities - complete support of international number formats - Bugfix: fixing of a representation error of some values (very seldom) - Bugfix: removing of message windows while partitial solding of securities - Bugfix: removing a bug regarding to the "export to memopad"-function under PalmOS 3.02 ********************************************************** version 1.3 - handling and calculation of dividends